Monday, June 11, 2007

What I learned @ the library today

Setting up a blog is simple, but it is important to follow instructions and pay attention to directions.
For example, I am not sure if I should have set up a gmail account, but I skipped that step since I don't want another email address! "It" still "let me" set up this account since I have successfully logged in twice now. For me, the hardest of the 7 1/2 habits is to view obstacles as challenges or learning opportunities, not necessarily negative situations. However, I have learned through experience that this is generally true, and have learned much at the workplace about addressing difficult situations by changing behaviors and adapting my ways to turn the problem around into a learning opportunity. The easiest habit as I learn and grow is "Play!"

PS: did I do this right??!!


Lesa said...

You did it right! And yes, setting up a G Mail account is actually part of the process. I don't use my GMail account for anything other than tracking my blogs, but you certainly could use it for email as well if you wanted. Good goin! - Lesa

Robyn said...

I didn't realize you needed a Gmail account! I already had one because that is my everyday email...but how confusing! Well, I'm glad that it worked out for you! The blog looks great!

SusanK said...

Uh, account...I don't remember doing that.

Buffalo gal said...

We were supposed to set up a G mail account?