Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Flickr share/TechTry

This is a photo of the interior of the Algiers Branch of New Orleans Public Library where I volunteered last year.
This is before we got started sorting through boxes and making room for workstations. Many of the boxes were completely falling apart and full of moldy, dusty books. I was so glad I brought my white gloves from the Maryland Room move! My group of 34 volunteers worked all day in the 100 degree NOLA weather, and made a lot of progress. I was the volunteer coordinator so I actually made the rounds and got to talk to everyone. I have had responsibility for donations @ FCPL and now realize how lucky I was that our donations never quite looked like this!


James said...

that's amazing. all those boxes!

i lived in nola in the early 90s and haven't been back since before flood.

i still wonder how my neighborhood(s) made out.

folksnake said...

Oh man, Donna, that picture makes me ill...looks like a total wreck.

What's in the boxes: donations, salvaged items, or some of both? I can't imagine pulling something coherent out of it all...

MaryKM said...

We should all be very proud that Donna and also Susan took part in the ALA effort to help New Orleans. Donna also did community service in DC. While they did get t-shirts they had to pay for this glory and I can't begin to tell you how hot it was in New Orleans.